Insurance for furniture delivery and installation

Insurance for Furniture Delivery and Installation

The furniture industry covers a lot of different aspects that business owners can really profit from. From the installation to the delivery of furniture across residences and commercial properties, this type of industry has its fair share of risks and hazards. If your business is not properly prepared to handle these eventualities, then you may be facing a lot of unwanted financial obligations due to accidents and lawsuits.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. Quote Texas Insurance is a trusted brand which offers a wide coverage of insurance policies for businesses dealing with furniture delivery and installation. We have packages which give you value for your money without compromising the quality of service that we bring to you.

Navigating the Road to Security with Quote Texas Insurance

Quote Texas Insurance has access to a number of carriers that may provide a comprehensive range of basic sales & service provider insurance coverage, including but not limited to:

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Commercial General Liability Insurance

While installing any furniture by your employees, the possibility of damage to the client’s property exists. This insurance will help protect you and your business from any third-party lawsuits filed by the client for any instances of physical injury as well as property or reputation damage to them.

Lincese and Bonds Icon

License and Permit Bonds

Any contractor working in this industry will need a state-required License Bond. Similarly, when getting a construction or building permit, acquiring a Permit bond is also a requirement.

Commercial Property Insurance

This insurance will help reimburse you for any damage to your equipment, tools or inventory caused by fires, theft, vandalism, weather or natural disasters.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

Any accidents that can cause injury to your employees can be covered by this type of insurance. Employees will be covered for medical bills, as well as wages for days lost while recovering from their injuries.

Commercial Auto Insurance

This type of insurance is absolute essential for any business that needs to deliver goods like furniture from one place to another. Any accidents on the road that can damage your vehicle and its transport will be covered by a good auto insurance policy.

Contact Us for Insurance for Furniture Deliver Installation in Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, & Austin

For more information regarding our services and the insurance packages that we offer, leave us an inquiry on our Get a quote page or call us at 844-402-4464. We have friendly staff on standby, ready to respond to all your insurance needs.