Bodily Injuries and Deaths Liability Insurance in Texas

An ideal world would be one where injuries or deaths simply don't happen while you're on the job.

Bodily Injury insurance can help you out and protect you financially when someone files a claim that you are at fault in an accident that ends up in physical injury to others. Whether it's the customer who tripped near your shop's premises or it's the customer who accidentally injured himself by touching equipment or stock from your store, the fact of the matter is, all kinds of bodily injuries matter, especially if you're a small business that needs insurance to help pay for the suffering of another person, on your watch.

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Be it something as minor as a bump, or a person sustains injuries that leads to complications or even death, the person at fault will carry the burden of paying numerous costs related to injuries/deaths.

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What does Bodily Injuries and Deaths Liability Cover

The things that bodily injury coverage can help you pay for includes medical expenses and outrageous funeral costs for someone who has been hurt in an accident that you have caused. What is important to note is that this type of coverage does not include paying for your own injuries. Bodily injury coverage helps pay for:

  • Nursing Care
  • The income lost from the time spent away from work.
  • Pain and suffering, the amount thereof to be determined by a court to address the intensity of physical or emotional stress the accident or injuries caused.

However, be mindful of the exceptions to the rule, as if you are found to have caused damage to another person or the person's property intentionally, then this kind of insurance will not cover that particular situation. Be sure to fully check the policies involved so that you know the full details on what is and is not covered by your insurance following an accident.

How to Protect Your Company Against Accidental Bodily Injuries & Deaths | Texas

Commercial General Liability in Texas protects your business against possible financial burdens should you be sued for damage or injury arising out of your business operations or the actions of our employees. These include:

  • Bodily injuries and deaths
  • Damage to other people's properties
  • Advertising and personal injury (e.g. slander, libel, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, and so on)

You can feel at peace with us at Quote Texas Insurance as we fully sympathize and understand your need for comprehensive business protection coverage, especially a plan that's made just for your business's specific requirements. Rest assured, you can have peace of mind knowing that should the worst of situations occur, you will be ready and protected so that you won't have to pay for all the costs alone. By having the best policy around, every day becomes less stressful.

Consult with our team of dedicated professionals immediately and Get a quote from Quote Texas Insurance today, especially if you live around or in the Texas area, so that we can aid you in our mission to "Make Insurance Simple."