Am I Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?

Am I Eligible for Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that benefits employees who have incurred work-related injuries or illnesses. Employees must fall under either of these two categories so that they can claim their workers’ comp benefits:

  • The company the employee works for has workers’ compensation insurance, or should at least have some sort of coverage.
  • The employee’s injury or illness must be a result of their job-related responsibilities.

Employees (regardless of whether they are working on a seasonal, part-time, or full-time basis) are entitled to workers’ compensation. Independent freelancers, contractors, or consultants, on the other hand, are not covered by this insurance. Temporary or casual workers can be covered by workers’ comp, depending on whether they are technically employed by the company or are independent contractors. Volunteer workers, most of the time, are not eligible for this type of insurance.

We Help Companies Find the Best Workers’ Compensation Options

Sifting through various insurance options can be a challenge, especially if you’re already busy running a small to midsized business. However, it’s an important task, as you’ll depend on your insurance provider in the unfortunate event that someone in your team falls ill or gets injured. Getting workers’ compensation for your employees will not only help you adhere to regulations, but it will also give your employees peace of mind while they’re working for your company.

Quote Texas Insurance can help you find the right workers’ compensation provider for your company in Texas. Founded in 2001, our company has helped businesses of all sizes find the most practical insurance options for their needs. We specialize in business and commercial insurance, and we can match you with the right business interruption insurance, commercial property insurance, or business insurance provider, among others.

We Simplify Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Texas Businesses

Over the years, Quote Texas Insurance has built meaningful professional relationships with 65 insurance providers. However, our loyalty is not with those providers. We’ll always advocate for our client companies, and you can trust us to always put your best interest in mind when narrowing down your insurance options.

Protect your livelihood and that of your employees by making sure you’re adequately covered from losses. If your company is in Georgetown, Mount Vernon, and other locations in Texas, we can help you with this task. Call us at 844-402-4464 or use the form on our Get a Quote page to send us your questions and concerns.